


The name of the Organization shall be Real Rite Youth Athletic Association, for purposes of abbreviation; acceptable names herein shall be the “RRYAA”. Real Right Youth Athletic Association may conduct business as Real Rite Youth or RRYAA.

Real Rite Youth Athletic Association is a non-profit organization exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. RRYAA was organized exclusively for charitable, more specifically to provide sports participation and sports programs for the youth of Lee County and surrounding areas.

The Team Colors of the Organization shall be Green, Yellow, and White.


The objective of the Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall be to promote, organize, and operate athletic programs for youth boys and girls residing within Lee County and surrounding area as determined by the Board.

The scope of RRYAA shall be to serve the youth of Lee County and surrounding areas through the operation of amateur athletic and sports related programs and activities.

It is the policy of this Organization not to discriminate or tolerate discrimination based on race, sex, age, religious beliefs, or abilities.

Mission Statement

To promote the fundamentals of sports as we support our youth in developing character skills though the competition of sports and promote physical literacy.


The governance of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of RRYAA shall consist of the following elected positions;

Executive Officers:

President, Vice President, Secretary, Commissioner, and Treasurer.

At-Large Directors:

Athletic Director, Finance Director, Fundraising Director, Governance Director, Information Technology Director,  Registration Director, Strategic Development Director, Volunteer Director, and Youth Development Director.

In all instances of governance not outlined within the Constitution & Bylaws of the Organization, Roberts Rules of Order shall be the governing document unless otherwise noted.


The Board has the authority to appoint Ad Hoc, Standing Committees or Subcommittees that will aid in the administration and facilitation of the business of the organization under the direction and guidance of the Board.

Volunteers or appointees to RRYAA ad hoc subcommittees do not possess the authority to vote at regular board meetings but may be required to present recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Election of All Board Members

Elections will generally be held in the month of November each year. The President and Secretary will be elected in odd years.

The Vice President, Commissioner, and Treasurer will be elected in even years.

All At-Large-Directors and Board Members will be appointed annually, by the Executive Board.

Members of RRYAA in good standing (with no outstanding debt) will be able to submit a letter of intent to run for a particular office. Letters of intent will be due by November 15th. Notice of this process will be  posted on the organization’s website.

The Board of Directors will review all letters and will narrow the applicants down to two (2) candidates per Executive role. The narrowing process will be based on the reputation, experience, and level of commitment of the applicants.

The election of will occur in mid to late November. All election rules and regulations pertaining to elections and membership will apply. After the conclusion of the election, the winners will be posted on the website. They will serve a two year term.

The Swearing in of newly elected Executive officers, At-Large Directors, and regular board members will occur at the Annual Membership meeting In January as stated in the RRYAA By-Laws.

To protect the integrity of the organization no related members of the Board of Directors shall hold similar positions during the same fiscal year (i.e. brother/sister on the finance committee, husband/wife hold the President, Vice President, and Treasurer positions).

No person shall hold more than one executive office.

All members of the Board of Directors of this organization shall serve without compensation.

Removal of Officers

Executive Officers may only be removed from office by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, but Officers being considered for removal from the board may not partake in a vote for his/her removal from office.

Any other Board Member may be removed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors whenever the best interest of the organization would be compromised by that individual being detrimental to the growth, reputation, or overall benefit of the organization.

Board members missing three meetings in any fiscal year without an excused absence from the President are subject to suspension and/or removal from the board by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

Said Board Member will be notified in writing of the suspension/removal vote.

In the event of death, resignation or removal, a successor shall be selected by the remaining Board of Directors who shall serve the remainder of the vacant term.


Regular Monthly Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the central office of RRYAA or in any other reasonable public meeting facility. Notice to officers may take place via the RRYAA’s website, e-mail, U.S. Mail, facsimile, or any other reasonable and accessible mode of communication. Regular monthly board   meetings will be held on the third Thursday unless otherwise scheduled by the President or Vice President.

A quorum (three-fourths) of Officers must be in attendance in order to vote on any matter, except when otherwise noted herein, at all Regular, Special or Emergency Board Meetings.

Minutes of meetings shall be kept on file and archived by the Secretary.


A Business Checking and Savings account has been established and will be maintained. It’s the main depository of the organization funds. The president, vice president, and treasurer shall serve as executors of the RRYAA checking and savings account. The RRYAA board of directors shall oversee the dissemination or usage of funds.

All checks require two signatures. The signatures of the President and/or Vice President and Treasurer must be on each check. Funds of the organization in the amount of $500 or less, for approved expenses, may be withdrawn from the bank by the President, Vice President, or Treasurer.

Savings accounts may be established to prepare to replace or purchase known and unknown sports equipment and supplies as needed. These funds may be obtained by creating a line item in the budget to be known as Reserve funds.

The Fiscal year of the Organization shall be the same as the calendar year January 1 thru December31

The Treasurer shall present at each Board Meeting a current set of financial reports to be reviewed and approved. The Treasurer will also present at each meeting an annual financial report for the previous year and, the pre-approved budget for the upcoming year.

Any proposed expenditure over $150.00 shall require more than one bid presented to the Board of Directors (e-mail is acceptable) prior to expense approval.

For reimbursements, a receipt of purchase and signature of purchaser for confirmation of reimbursement is required.

Upon the close of each fiscal year the treasurer will prepare all financial documents for tax filing purposes. A qualified certified public accountant shall be utilized for tax filing purposes. Tax documents will be reviewed by all board members.


The President of the Board of Directors of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Represent the Organization in the general public and must facilitate all RRYAA Regular Meetings as well as the Annual Meeting each January;
  • Ensure coordination of all functions (i.e., home games, fundraising activities, volunteer efforts, etc.) or events(Post season banquets) and serve as the supervisor of said events or functions;
  • Enforce league policies and principles.
  • Complete whatever duties are given to him/her by the Board of Directors and which are in the best interest of the organization.
  • The President must attend all mandatory league meetings, any county competitions for sports or designate an alternate board member to attend in the event of an excused absence.
  • The President may call for an audit at any time if the majority of the BOD’s deems it necessary, to be completed by an independent CPA not affiliated with the league.

The Vice President of the Board of Directors of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Assist the President in all activities and responsibilities outlined above
  • Shall become the President’s successor in the event of his/her death, removal or resignation from office until the next regular election or a special election is called.
  • Perform the duties and tasks as assigned by the President

The Treasurer of the Board of Directors of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Maintain a day-to-day record of all financial transactions pertaining to RRYAA funds and accounts;
  • Keep and maintain all RRYAA official documents and financial records;
  • Prepare and submit monthly financial reports at all Board meetings
  • Oversee all banking functions and communications, electronic or otherwise;
  • Collect and deposit all income funds for the Organization;
  • Prepare a year-end financial report for the Organization and coordinate with a CPA to review and complete the required state and federal tax returns;
  • The Treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

The Secretary of the Board of Directors of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Document, oversee and manage all minutes of all Board of Directors meetings and any other duties affiliated with minutes of meetings;
  • Ensure that all board members are notified of the release of minutes in official or draft format via any reasonable mode of communication, including e-mail notification.
  • Help maintain the player database;
  • Help coordinate player registration;
  • Maintain youth program oversight, working with the Directors to ensure policies and schedules comply with the organization’s operating codes.
  • Develop and maintain an Officers Handbook with points of contact and procedures.
  • Create all player ID cards as necessary and help coordinate RRYAA official sports in-person registration days.
  • In the event of the absence or disability of the Secretary, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties

The Commissioner of the Board of Directors of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Prepare each December, an election ballot for all officers;
  • Address disputes/complaints from the general public and refer to the board if and when necessary;
  • Make relevant recommendations to the Board of Directors, after studying the specific and primary purposes of the organization as stated in its By-laws and after examining the policies, rules and guidelines, and after analyzing the current status of all sports programs.
  • The Commissioner shall have the initial responsibility to receive inquiries or appeals regarding interpretations of the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws, and the rules and regulations of each Sports program.
  • The Commissioner shall make the official ruling on inquiries or appeals as set forth in these bylaws. The ruling of the Commissioner shall be subject to review by the Executive Committee and thereafter the Board of Directors.
  • The Commissioner shall call conferences for the preparation of various contest schedules, and he or she shall preside over these conferences.

The Athletic Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Athletic Oversight committee.
  • Protect the use and dissemination of all official RRYAA property (i.e., equipment, merchandise)
  • Ensure that field permits are secured and coordinate the practice and game schedule with the appropriate delegates or officials.
  • Maintain all sports equipment owned by the organization.
  • Maintain the equipment storage facility in a neat and organized fashion.
  • Order and distribute all equipment/uniforms, using required and approved team equipment forms, with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  • Maintain an accurate inventory of all equipment and uniforms that are the property of the Organization.
  • Coach any Football team as long as coaching does not interfere with his/her duties.
  • Make recommendations to the Board of Directors about necessary equipment purchases pertaining to the storage and maintenance of organization equipment.
  • Complete any necessary reconditioning or upkeep required to maintain equipment
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.
  • Perform such other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.

The Finance Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Finance committee.
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointing committee members
  • Maintains records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives.
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Fundraising Director of the Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Fundraising Committee.
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointing committee members
  • Organize and facilitate fundraisers for RRYAA;
  • Purchase and sell merchandise for RRYAA;
  • Purchase all items necessary for concessions;
  • Manage concessions for RRYAA events;
  • Oversite of food trucks for RRYAA events;
  • Collects and reviews sponsorship and fundraising opportunities;
  • Solicits and secures local sponsorships to support organizational operations;
  • Serve as liaison for RRYAA and local businesses in regards to sponsorships
  • Organizes, approve, and implements organizational fundraising activities;
  • Coordinates participation in fundraising activities;
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
  • In the event of the absence or disability of the Fundraising Director, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Governance Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Governance Committee.
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointing committee members.
  • Oversees board, committees, and sports programs compliance with bylaws.
  • Helps to create a recruitment strategy, including job descriptions.
  • Conducts board assessments and makes recommendations on appointments, retentions, and removals.
  • Monitors governance trends to guide the board on changes to regulatory compliance.
  • Governs all RRYAA directives to best serve the organization.
  • Organizes continuing education and training opportunities to help board members develop and grow.
  • Reviews and updates the organization’s bylaws periodically to keep policies and procedures up to date.
  • Makes recommendations for committees and other board structural changes.
  • Seeks legal counsel to advise on best ways to deal with conflicts of interest.
  • Helps to review and approve policy changes suggested by the Board of Directors.
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Media Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Social Media Committee.
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointment committee members.
  • Create and maintain or oversee the creation and maintenance of the RRYAA website.
  • Approve the post of photos and communications to RRYAA website and social media sites.
  • Maintain the security of all information systems.
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Registration Director of the Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Registration Committee.
  • Organize and recruit committee by recruiting/appointing committee members.
  • Conduct registrations for all programs under RRYAA;
  • Handle all withdrawals regarding registration;
  • Train and oversee all team moms for RRYAA;
  • Plan, coordinate, and operate in-person player registration;
  • Create and maintain team mom binder;
  • Create and maintain rosters for all teams in all programs under RRYAA;
  • Assist in maintaining a player database with family information;
  • Responsible for confidentiality of RRYAA families’ information in regards to registration documents;
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors;
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Strategic Development Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Public Relations Committee.
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointing committee members
  • Cultivate and sustain public, corporate, and foundation relationships.
  • Acts as a spokesperson for RRYAA;
  • Attend relevant events or conferences to cultivate donors and prospects
  • Serve as a credible and compelling spokesperson for the organization;
  • Support priority partnerships and sponsorships;
  • Organize local community opportunities for RRYAA to give back to the community;
  • Work with social media team to develop quality communications;
  • Work collaboratively with the Fundraising Committee and the Board of Directors to establish the narrative pillars that will be used to create grant proposals and Individual giving appeals.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.

The Volunteer Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Volunteer Committee.
  • Acts as a spokesperson for RRYAA in regards to volunteer opportunities;
  • Serve as the liaison for RRYAA and volunteers;
  • Responsible for recruiting and supervising volunteers.
  • Keep a database of volunteers and work with the other directors to assign volunteers to particular tasks throughout the season.
  • Collect volunteer information, availability, and skills, and maintain the database.
  • Keep new and existing volunteers informed about the organization and volunteer opportunities.
  • Matching volunteers to opportunities that suit their skill sets, ensure they understand their responsibilities, and receive the proper training.
  • Organize and lead training.
  • Keeping schedules and records of volunteers’ work.
  • Preparing codes of conduct and operating procedures to uphold the organization’s values.

The Youth Development Director of Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall:

  • Chair the Youth Development Committee;
  • Organize committee by recruiting and appointing committee members;
  • Acts as a spokesperson for RRYAA in regards to youth volunteer opportunities;
  • Attend internal meetings and external meetings as required.
  • Help provide activities that keep youth connected to school and the community they live in.
  • Help plan and support special events, field trips, workshops, classes and events for youth and their families;
  • Engage and build relationships with youth in programs appropriately, act as a role model, creating a safe, welcoming environment.
  • Provide students with individual attention and academic support.
  • Coordinate youth participation in panels, workshops, and speaking engagements at relevant community events
  • Develop and maintain relationships with community partners; Schools, City and County as well as other youth advocacy organizations
  • Interact with youth in a respectful manner; provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
  • Help establish rules of conduct and enforced consistently so all youth, families, staff, and visitors are treated with respect & dignity.
  • Ensure a safe, positive, and respectful environment is maintained.
  • Assist in the planning, organization, and operations of the academic and mentoring programs.
  • Assist in developing outreach materials and comply with efforts to build community relationships.
  • Engage parents and caregivers to increase community support and knowledge of RRYAA programs and participants.
  • Work collaboratively with agencies and related neighborhood agencies around youth engagement, family engagement and program development.
  • Complete and submit Monthly Reports to the Board of Directors each month.
  • Provide regular updates and reports to the Board of Directors as requested
  • Perform other duties as assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors.
  • In the event of a prolonged absence or disability, the Board of Directors may designate another Board Member to the perform duties.


The Board of Directors, sustaining members, and youth participants are all members of the Real Rite Youth Athletic Association, whose financial accounts are fully paid, whose equipment has been successfully returned and who have followed the proper code of ethics. The membership of the Real Rite Youth Athletic Association shall not be limited in number. Registration of one or more participants in a program entitles one immediate adult family member to membership in the Association. The parent or legal guardian who has a child or children registered shall be entitled to be a member of the Association. The Association may accept, with Board approval, members who do not have participants in the programs. Membership in the organization is good for one year from July 1st to June 30th of the following year

All voting members will be entitled to one vote per paid registration. All members without a registered child in the league will be entitled to one vote.

Memberships Definitions

At Large Directors

Athletic Director, Fund Raising Director, Governance Director, Media Director, Program Director, Strategic Development Director, Registration Director and Youth Development Director.

Additional At Large Board of Director positions may be added as deemed necessary.

Qualified individuals shall work or reside within Lee County or have children participating in RRYAA. 

Committee Members

Any individual serving on a committee under the leadership of an At-Large-Director.

Qualified individuals shall work or reside within Lee County or have children participating in RRYAA.

Executive Officers

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Commissioner.

Sport Directors

Basketball Director, Cheerleading Director, Football Director, Track Director, and Wrestling Director.

Each RRYAA Athletics Program shall have a Director.

Sustaining Member

Any adult individual shall be considered a sustaining member by virtue of having a child participate in any of the annual athletics programs.

Additionally any volunteer or coach of said programs shall be considered a Sustaining Member.

Youth Participants

RRYAA athletic programs are primarily for youth residing within Lee County, but on occasion, due to limited numbers, RRYAA may expand its boundaries to surrounding counties to complete a team roster.

Revoking Membership

Membership in this Association may be revoked by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Once revoked, membership may not be restored without majority approval of the Board of Directors.


Anyone who has a grievance with a member of RRYAA may request a hearing of the grievance by furnishing a notice of grievance in writing to the Board of Directors. The written notice should be sent to the Association’s published mailing address, email, or delivered to a member of the Board of Directors.

The written notice should contain the following;

Complainant’s full legal name

Mailing address

Contact information: phone number and email address

A detailed description of the grievance and what remedy the complainant is seeking, if any.

The board will refer the grievance to the Oversight committee.


The power to adopt, alter, amend or repeal the Bylaws is vested in the Board of Directors.

Bylaws will be reviewed for amendments annually at the Annual Board of Directors Meeting or during the course of a Special Meeting, that meets the Quorum standard;

All board of directors members must be given a minimum 24 hours’ notice to attend a Special Meeting; said Special Meetings convened specifically to amend the bylaws must be designated clearly as such in all pre-meeting notifications to board members;

Board members present at annual meeting or special meeting will be responsible for submitting amendment changes (if any). If a board member is unable to attend via teleconference or in person, they can submit their suggested changes via email to the President no less than 24 hours prior to annual meeting or special meeting.

Bylaws amendment changes will be voted on the following regular board meeting or a special meeting within 30 days of initial annual meeting/special meeting, which pertained to amendment changes.


All registration is on a first come, first serve basis. We will cut off registration according to league rules.

Registration will be made available from our website beginning no sooner than five months prior to the first official day of practice and will continue until the official close date or the league, unless the roster is filled for all sports.

There will be at least one In-person registration for each sport prior to the first day of practice.

Location dates, and times of in-person registration will be announced via website and email blast.

Each family must register their child(ren) under their household via our website.

Withdrawal from a sports program

If a parent/guardian withdraws their child(ren) thirty days prior to the first official day of practice, a refund of two- thirds of the registration fee will be offered providing that their equipment has been returned.

If a parent/guardian withdraws their child(ren) within 29 days prior to of official practice up to ten days of official practice, a partial refund of one-third of registration fee will be offered providing that their equipment has been returned.

If a parent/guardian withdraws their child(ren) after ten days of official practice, no refund will be provided; however, all equipment must be returned.


Selection of head coaches and coaching staffs:

Individuals who wish to coach a RRYAA team must first apply, in writing, via the official RRYAA coaches’


Coaches will be selected based on positive attitude, communication skills, leadership qualities, technical knowledge and support of RRYAA objectives.

Coaches must submit prior to having any contact with kids a full background information sheet in order to be considered for a head or assistant coaching position.

Prospective head coaches must also undergo an interview with the President, Vice President and respective Sport Director to be considered for selection; any other board members are welcome to attend coaching interviews but will have not a vote in coaches’ selections.

Successful head-coaching candidates shall be notified no later than five business days following interviews.

Head coaches will be responsible for the assembly selection of their own coaching staffs; no coaching staff, including the head coach,shall not exceed (5) total members;

The interview committee has the authority to review, interview or reject any assistant coach applicant on any staff;

Walk-on personnel shall not be permitted on the practiceor game field without express,prior permission of the President or Sport Director.

All assistant coaches must be presented, in writing, to the board30 days before first game of the season.

As a generalrule, if a head coach wishes to return as the head coach in the same positionin an ensuing season,he will be given the right of first refusal to serve in that same position granted he remains in good standing with the Organization;

There will be no rule precluding a coach from switching to a new or different division or level in any given season, nor will any coach be deemed as having tenure in any position, regardless of right of first refusal; in an instancewhere the board of directors or interview committeefeels it is best for the programthat a coach serve at a level other than the one he primarily chooses, it may vote to place that head coach where they deem he may serve the programbest.

Assignment of head coaches shall be made at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors based on the recommendations made by the Sport Director and interview committee; the board must consider a prospective coach’s overall support of the organization, leadership of his team and staff, interaction with his playersparents, his technical competence and dedication to the program and itsgoals;

Head coaches are expected to maintain and may delegate to a staff member the care of a daily player attendance report;

Coaches who receive parental complaints, verbal or otherwise, must report said complaints to the Sports Director within 24 hours of the receiptof said complaint; it may be necessary and is recommended that the head coach document player attendance, performance, behavior, etc. in this context; head coaches shall handle all complaints, commentsor other communications from parents of players; any attempt by parents to circumvent dealing with a head coach regarding complaints, etc. by addressing them with a staff member, other parents, board members or any other BSB volunteer shall be subject to violation of the RRYAA Code of Conduct.

The chain of command to handle complaints from parents shall be as follows: Head Coach, Sport Director, President, and Board of Directors.

All coaches shall be required to adhere to all directives and responsibilities as outlined and indicated in the Real Rite Youth Sports Official Coaches’ Handbook.


Formation of Rosters and Player Selection:

Each official rosterin each division shall containno more than 30 players.

Each pre-season roster can carry as many players as are registered for that level; players who wish to be considered for the 30-player officialroster must register and pay the registration fee by the 5th day of practice.  After the 5th day of practice, registrations will be closed unless a roster has less than 30. Each head coach will receive on day 1 of practice a detailed pre-season player roster which will include each player’s height, weight, birth date, mailing addressand contact phone numbersand email addresses;

Players will be placed on their respective team pre-season rosters according to birth date or current league  rules; if allowed by the league,players may be moved up only.


The Code of Conduct

All players must sign and have countersigned by their parents(both), parent (if single) or legal guardian(s) the  RRYAA Official Code of Conduct prior to the end of Practice Week 1; parent’s or legal guardian consent can also be accepted via registration site when registering a child.

Failure to do so may result in suspension or removal from team;

All coaches, RRYAA volunteers and board of directors must sign and return the Code of Conduct;

Allegations or evident violations of the Code of Conduct shall be reported to the Oversight Committee for review; The Oversight committee shall consist of no less than (3) members and no more than (5) members including the President and shall be appointed by the Commissioner; The Oversight Committee shall report any findings or recommendations to the Board of Directors; the Board of Directors shall maintain sole authority to render sanctions or decisions on players, coaches or volunteers and no other RRYAA representative shall intervene or render decisions thereunto pertaining.

The Oversight Committee may include up to but not more than one parental appointee.


Non-Disclosure Agreement Policy:

THIS AGREEMENT made as of [_____________], by and between Real Rite Youth Athletic Association., located at PO Box 114, Sanford, North Carolina 27330; and [___________] (“Board Member”) whose address is [______________________________].

WHEREAS, RRYAA desires to appoint the Directors and members of the RRYAA Board of Directors and the Director or member accepts such appointment;

WHEREAS, in performing services as a director for RRYAA, Director will necessarily be given access to “confidential information” (defined below), which will be identified by RRYAA as such; and

WHEREAS, the use of the confidential information by, or its disclosure to, any person or organization other than RRYAA and its employees or Director would be highly detrimental and damaging to RRYAA.

NOW THEREFORE, with the foregoing recitals being incorporated herein by reference and deemed an essential part hereof and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows:

Section 1. Confidential Information

For the purposes of this Agreement, “confidential information” shall mean information relating to the RRYAA’s methods, concepts, ideas, products, and services which is of a proprietary or confidential nature, whether communicated orally or in writing, data or sample form, including, without limitation, concepts, techniques, processes, designs, data, computer programs, and other know-how that is disclosed to the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Nondisclosure of Confidential Information

2.1 Non-disclosure. No Board member shall not, without the prior written consent of the RRYAA, disclose such confidential information to any third party, including any third party consultant(s).  Further, Board members shall only use the confidential information pursuant to and for the purpose of performing services as a Board member for RRYAA. The parties acknowledge that irreparable injury and damage will result from disclosure of the secret information to unauthorized third parties or from utilization of the secret information for any purpose other than the purposes described herein. Also, Board members shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the confidential information in the Board member’s possession remains confidential.

The foregoing restrictions shall not be applicable to any information which:

(a) the Director can show was previously known to him prior to receipt from the RRYAA, without breach of an obligation of confidence to any third party;

(b) is now, or hereafter, comes into the public domain as, for example, by publications, including issued United States and foreign patents, or is otherwise legally known or available to the public through sources other than the Board member;

(c) is subsequently legally disclosed to the Board member by a third party not owing obligations of confidence to the RRYAA, or

(d) is, or will be, developed independently by the Board member solely through his affiliates which have not been exposed directly or indirectly to the confidential information, or

(e) the Board member is obligated to produce as a result of a court order or other valid and legally enforceable mandate, provided that the RRYAA has been given notice thereof and an opportunity to waive its rights or to seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy.

For the purposes of this Section 2, disclosures which provide specific detailed information shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely because they are embraced by more general disclosures in the public domain or in the Board member’s possession.  In addition, any combination of features shall not be deemed to be within the foregoing exceptions merely because information about individual components are separately in the public domain or in the Board member’s possession, but only if the combination itself and its principle of operation are in the public domain or in the lawful possession of the Board member without restriction on disclosure.

2.2 Return of documents. Upon termination of Board member’s position as a member of the RRYAA’s Board Of Directors, Board member agrees that all documents, records, notebooks and similar repositories of or containing confidential information, including copies of such materials, then in its possession, whether prepared by it or others, will be returned to the RRYAA.

2.3 Board member acknowledges that the confidential information belongs to RRYAA, that RRYAA claims the confidential information comprises secrets, claims that the confidential information is confidential to RRYAA and that each of the obligations assumed by Board member in this, and the other paragraphs contained herein, is a material inducement to disclose the confidential information to Board member.

Section 3. Enforcement

In the event that the Board member shall breach this Agreement, or in the event that such breach appears to be an imminent possibility, RRYAA shall be entitled to all legal and equitable remedies afforded it by law as a result of the breach (including an injunction restraining the party or parties about to commit any breach of this Agreement, or who have committed a breach of it, without showing or proving any actual damage sustained by RRYAA), and may, in addition to any and all other forms of relief, recover from Board member all reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees encountered by it in seeking any such remedy.

Section 4. Binding Effect

This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties to this Agreement and upon their respective executors, administrators, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

Section 5. Applicable Law

This Agreement shall be governed for all purposes by the laws of the State of North Carolina, with Lee County, North Carolina as the agreed upon proper venue. The RRYAA shall retain all rights and remedies afforded it under the patent, trademark, copyright and other laws of the United States and the States thereof, and of other countries, including without limitation any laws designed to protect proprietary or confidential information.

General procedures and policies:

No Real Rite Youth Athletic Association Board of Director member shall effect policy or procedural changes, rule alterations, offer edicts or mandates or otherwise deviate from the general context of the management of the organization without it first being discussed at a regular board meeting unless said policy or procedure change is deemed an emergency;

Only pre-approved volunteers may be on the practice or game fields at any time, for any reason;

Permitted on the field are pre-approved ancillary personnel which shall include but not be limited to: EMTs, law enforcement officials, essential game day volunteers (excluding weigh-in representatives), league representatives with badges only, Board of Directors members, credentialed members of the media, yardage and down marker volunteers, official team mom or dad with badges, team mascot, cheerleaders and coaches with badges.

No parents or unaffiliated personnel or persons may enter the playing field (including track perimeter) or practice field, regardless of prior involvement with the program, at any time, for any reason other than to attend to an injured player said parent or guardian is directly related to;

Any person who wishes to serve RRYAA in any capacity must submit and pass a background check for the current season. Any person that does not pass the background check shall not be permitted on the playing or practice field with the sole exception being a parent attending to an injured child; the safety committee shall be responsible for assuring that no personnel enters the playing or practice fields or facilities who has not yet filled out and passed review of the background information sheet and Code of Conduct; any volunteer who fails to fill out, turn in and pass a review of his/her background information sheet may be subject immediate removal from the facilities or fields.

All affiliates, members, coaches, officers or volunteers of the RRYAA must be of good character and high moral standing; any violations of the Code of Conduct or Bylaws may result in immediate dismissal by the Board of Directors or its designees.

Each RRYAA board member and head coach is entitled a discount of half price of the current registration fee for one of their children. A coach or board member may transfer their discount to another child in the program; but this will negate the discount for their own child.

RRYAA is a public, non-profit charitable organization and reserves the right to reject or admit any application of any volunteer or player for any reason and may dismiss either, with cause, at its own discretion; however, RRYAA will never discriminate against any volunteer, officer, coach, player or affiliate based on gender, age, creed, race or sexual orientation.

No substantial part of the activities of RRYAA shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and RRYAA shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, RRYAA shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Approved by: Real Rite Youth Athletic Assoc. Board of DirectorsApproval Date: 11/9/2022