Corporate Sponsorship Packages

Our debut was very successful. Our youth established Real Rite U as contenders in the youth sports community. Last year we went to as far as Charlotte and this year we will go even further. We are inviting local businesses to sponsor our sports programs, football and cheer; as well as the ones we add on. Sponsoring our teams is not only a great way to get involved with the community; it is also an amazing form of marketing for your business. Our programs will have many opportunities of contact with other teams in our conference and region. That means your business will have branding in front of hundreds and maybe thousands of people to generate exposure for your company. With that type of opportunity for exposure, everyone will remember your company’s name and your support of youth programs.

We understand that you have several choices when considering different marketing and community outreach opportunities, but we truly believe that this is a great fit. We are offering several sponsorship packages, but if you would like something a little more customized in return for your sponsorship, we are very open to your ideas and welcome the opportunity to meet with you. Please review our packages below:

Sponsorship Package Options

Friends Package

Donations $250-$750

Social Media acknowledgment


1 RRYAA T-shirt

Bronze Package

Donations $750-$999

Social Media acknowledgment


2 RRYAA T-shirts

2 Tickets to Homecoming Games

Silver Package

Donations $1000-$1749

Social Media acknowledgment


2 RRYAA T-shirts

2 Tickets to Homecoming Games

2 Tickets to Winter Gala

Certificate/Plaque Presentation at Sports banquet

Gold Package

Donations $1750-$2499

Social media acknowledgment


2 RRYAA T-shirts

2 Tickets to Homecoming Games

2 Tickets to Winter Gala

Certificate/Plaque Presentation at Sports banquets

Logo and link on website

Logo on practice or camp shirts

Logo on all seasonal hosted event banners

2 Season Passes to All sports programs

Platinum Package

Donations 2500+

Social media acknowledgment


2 RRYAA T-shirts

2 Tickets to Homecoming Games

2 VIP Tickets to Winter Gala

Certificate/Plaque Presentation at Sports banquets

Logo and link on website

Logo on practice or camp shirts

Logo on all seasonal hosted event banners

2 Season Passes to All sports programs

Logo on choice of Sport Uniforms

Season vendor access at all sports programs and sports related events

Award Named and Presented in company’s honor

Corporate Sponsorship Registration Form